A Professional Matchmaking and Dating Service in North Yorkshire
For single men and women living in North Yorkshire, we offer a contemporary, personal matchmaking service. Country Partners provides a way to meet genuine and exciting new people away from the risks associated with online dating.
For those who are no longer prepared to waste time online, personal matchmaking provides a whole, new dating experience.

What We Do
The Country Partners experience begins with a friendly and informal discussion with one of our membership advisers about how we can help you to find love. The personal relationships you’ll build with our team make us so different from other agencies. We are here to listen to your hopes and dreams and to help provide a safe and rewarding journey towards them.
All of our members are interviewed and carefully vetted to ensure that they are genuinely single, honest and upstanding people. Throughout the process, privacy is vital: we will not display any of your information or photographs publicly.
The Matchmaking Process
Your personal matchmaker will be welcoming you to Country Partners with an in-depth discussion about you, and the type of person you’d like to meet when you join us. You’ll develop a warm and understanding relationship as your matchmaker finds suitable personal introductions to recommend to you, and learns more about what inspires you.
At Country Partners, we have one of the largest, most experienced teams of dating experts in the UK. Alongside our membership advisers and matchmakers, we also have dating coaches who can help you to build confidence and self-belief in the dating world and beyond, if necessary.

Getting in Touch
To find out more, please do complete our contact form within the website. One of our experienced Membership Advisers will contact you within 24 working hours. Alternatively, call us on 0800 644 4123 between 9am and 9pm every day, including weekends, for an informal chat.